Problem Interface


The Problem Interface node is used to generate a PDDL problem instance by querying the current state in a Knowledge Base. The PDDL problem instance is published as a string and written to a file.</p>


Launching a Problem Interface

An example launch file showing all the parameters is shown below:


	<!-- arguments -->
	<arg name="node_name" 	     default="rosplan_problem_interface" />
	<arg name="knowledge_base"   default="rosplan_knowledge_base" />
	<arg name="domain_path"      default="$(find rosplan_demos)/common/domain_turtlebot_demo.pddl" />
	<arg name="problem_path"     default="$(find rosplan_demos)/common/problem.pddl" />
	<arg name="problem_topic"    default="problem_instance" />

	<!-- problem generation -->
	<node name="$(arg node_name)" pkg="rosplan_planning_system" type="problemInterface" respawn="false" output="screen">
		<param name="knowledge_base" value="$(arg knowledge_base)" />
		<param name="domain_path"    value="$(arg domain_path)" />
		<param name="problem_path"   value="$(arg problem_path)" />
		<param name="problem_topic"  value="$(arg problem_topic)" />



Topic: problem_generation_server
Type: std_srvs/Empty
Generates a PDDL problem by querying the current state from a Knowledge Base, saving the problem to file with the problem_path parameter, and publishing the problem as a string on the topic specified by the problem_topic parameter.

Topic: problem_generation_server_params
Type: rosplan_dispatch_msgs/ProblemService
Generates a PDDL problem by querying the current state from a Knowledge Base, overriding the node parameters with the arguments of the service.

Field Description
problem_path The generated problem will be saved to this path.
problem_string_response If true, then the generated problem will also be returned in the problem_string response field.
problem_generated True if the problem was generated successfuly.
problem_string Contains the generated problem if the problem_string_response field is true.


Topic: problem_instance
Type: std_msgs/String
The PDDL problem instance is published on this topic.