Message 01 Domain Messages

The domain is described using the following message types:


# A message used to represent an atomic formula from the domain.
# typed_parameters matches label -> type
string name
diagnostic_msgs/KeyValue[] typed_parameters

The domain formula message describes one PDDL predicate. For example, the PDDL predicate (robot_at ?r - robot ?wp waypoint) would be represented by the DomainFormula:

name: "robot_at"
typed_parameters: [ "r": "robot", "wp": "waypoint" ]


# A message used to store the numeric effects of an action
# Can be grounded or ungrounded

uint8 ASSIGN   = 0
uint8 INCREASE  = 1
uint8 DECREASE = 2
uint8 SCALE_UP = 3
uint8 SCALE_DOWN = 4
uint8 ASSIGN_CTS = 5

uint8 assign_type

rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula LHS
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/ExprComposite RHS

bool grounded

The domain assignment message describes a PDDL assignment effect on a numeric function. The assign_type field describes the type of assignment. An assignment modifies a PDDL function’s value according to a numeric expression. The LHS (left-hand side) and RHS (right-hand side) of the assignment specify the PDDL function and the numeric expression respectively. Both are described using the ExprComposite message. This is descibed fully in the [Expressions] page.

The grounded field, if true, specifies that the domain formula and numeric expression are grounded.


# A message used to represent an ungrounded operator in the domain.

# (1) name and parameters
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula formula

# (2) duration constraint

# (3) effect lists
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula[] at_start_add_effects
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula[] at_start_del_effects
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula[] at_end_add_effects
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula[] at_end_del_effects
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainAssignment[] at_start_assign_effects
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainAssignment[] at_end_assign_effects

# (4) conditions
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula[] at_start_simple_condition
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula[] over_all_simple_condition
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula[] at_end_simple_condition
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula[] at_start_neg_condition
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula[] over_all_neg_condition
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainFormula[] at_end_neg_condition

The domain operator message describes a PDDL durative operator. The message contains arrays of DomainFormula and DomainAssignment messages to represent the conditions and effects of the operator.

The formula field contains the name and parameters of the operator. For example, the operator (goto_wayoint ?r - robot ?from ?to - waypoint) would be represented by the formula field as:

name: "goto_waypoint"
typed_parameters: [ "r": "robot", "from": "waypoint", "to": "waypoint" ]


# A message used to store the numeric effects of an action
# Can be grounded or ungrounded

uint8 GREATER   = 0
uint8 GREATEREQ = 1
uint8 LESS      = 2
uint8 LESSEQ    = 3
uint8 EQUALS    = 4

uint8 comparison_type

rosplan_knowledge_msgs/ExprComposite LHS
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/ExprComposite RHS

bool grounded

The domain inequality message describes a comparison between two numeric expressions. For example:
(> (energy ?r - robot) (+ (minimum-energy) 32)).

The comaprison_type field describes the type of comparison. The LHS (left-hand side) and RHS (right-hand side) of the comparison are both described using the ExprComposite message. This is descibed fully in the [Expressions] page.

The grounded field, if true, specifies that the both numeric expressions are grounded.