Knowledge Base Launch


The Knowledge Base can be launched by adding the following parameters and nodes to your launch file:


	<!-- arguments -->
	<arg name="domain_path"	default="$(find rosplan_demos)/common/domain_turtlebot.pddl" />
	<arg name="problem_path"	default="$(find rosplan_demos)/common/problem_turtlebot.pddl" />

	<!-- knowledge base -->
	<node name="rosplan_knowledge_base" pkg="rosplan_knowledge_base" type="knowledgeBase" respawn="false" output="screen">
		<param name="domain_path" value="$(arg domain_path)" />
		<param name="problem_path" value="$(arg problem_path)" />
		<param name="database_path" value="$(find rosplan_knowledge_base)/common/mongoDB/" />
		<!-- conditional planning flags -->
		<param name="use_unknowns" value="false" />

	<!-- scene database (MongoDB) -->
	<include file="$(find mongodb_store)/launch/mongodb_store.launch">
		<arg name="db_path" value="$(find rosplan_knowledge_base)/common/mongoDB/"/>



Parameter Optional? Description
domain_path   Path to the PDDL domain file.
problem_path Yes Path to the PDDL problem file specifying the initial state.
database_path   Path to files generated by MongoDB.
use_unknowns   If true, facts not explicitly entered as false in the knowledge base are assumed to be unknown. This is used for planning under uncertainty.