Message 02 KnowledgeItem

The KnowledgeItem message is used to represent a part of the current state in the Knowledge Base. It could represent:

The message body is shown below. Afterwards it is described in more detail.

# A knowledge item used to represent a piece of the state in ROSPlan

uint8 INSTANCE = 0
uint8 FACT = 1
uint8 FUNCTION = 2
uint8 EXPRESSION = 3
uint8 INEQUALITY = 4

uint8 knowledge_type

# time at which this knowledge becomes true
time initial_time

# knowledge is explicitly false
bool is_negative


# instance knowledge_type
string instance_type
string instance_name


# attribute knowledge_type
string attribute_name
diagnostic_msgs/KeyValue[] values


# function value
float64 function_value


string optimization
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/ExprComposite expr


rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainInequality ineq

Message Description

# A knowledge item used to represent a piece of the state in ROSPlan

uint8 INSTANCE = 0
uint8 FACT = 1
uint8 FUNCTION = 2
uint8 EXPRESSION = 3
uint8 INEQUALITY = 4

uint8 knowledge_type

The knowledge_type parameter specifies what the message describes.

# time at which this knowledge becomes true
time initial_time

If initialised as 0, or set to a value in the past, the initial_time is set to the current time (according to the ROS clock) when the item is added to the Knowledge Base. If set to a value in the future, then the knowledge represents timed-initial knowledge that will become true at that time.

# knowledge is explicitly false
bool is_negative

If true, the knowledge is explicitly false. This can be used to make things explicitly false for planning under uncertainty, and can also be used to model the negative effects of actions and sensing. However, the latter case is optional, as the services provided by the Knowledge Base allow removal of positive knowledge, as well as adding negative knowledge.


# instance knowledge_type
string instance_type
string instance_name

If the knowledge_type is INSTANCE, then these strings specify the PDDL type and name of the object instance.


# attribute knowledge_type
string attribute_name
diagnostic_msgs/KeyValue[] values

If the knowledge_type is FACT or FUNCTION, then the string specifies the PDDL predicate symbol for the fact or function. The KeyValue array describes the parameters of the action. For example, given the PDDL predicate (robot_at ?r - robot ?wp waypoint) and corresponding grounded proposition (robot_at robot01 waypoint01), the KnowledgeItem message might be:

knowledge_type: rosplan_knowledge_msgs:KnowledgeItem:FACT  
attribute_name: "robot_at"  
values: [ "r": "robot01", "wp": "waypoint01" ]

In addition, a PDDL function uses the following field:


# function value
float64 function_value

The function_value field stores the constant numeric value assigned to the function.


string optimization
rosplan_knowledge_msgs/ExprComposite expr

If the knowledge_type is EXPRESSION then these fields can be used to describe the current metric. The string optimization may take the values “maximize” or “minimize”. The expression is the numeric expression to be optimized.


rosplan_knowledge_msgs/DomainInequality ineq

If the knowledge_type is INEQUALITY, this field holds that inequality, as two numeric expressions and one comparison type.